

How To Log In To UniFi D-Link DIR-615 Router

How To LogIn To UniFi D-Link UniFi Router
  1. Go to your web browser. (Google Chrome as in the example)
  2. Please type in the address bar
  3. Please fill in the Username and Password. Please refer below notes for the list of username and password for UniFi D-Link router.
  4. Then, press Enter
p/s: You may click here to access to your current router

Username and password for UniFi D-Link router list (Carefull!! Case sensitive):

Syntax = Username : Password
  1. admin : (Leave it empty)
  2. admin : telekom
  3. operator : telekom
  4. operator : h566UniFi
  5. Management : TestingR2
You may try all of the account. Hope this will help you well. :)

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158 Responses to "How To Log In To UniFi D-Link DIR-615 Router"

  1. I had tried all those mentioned above but the result was this and only this :
    "User Name or Password is incorrect.":

    1. Might be your router has been compromised or the router faulty already.

      Please call TMUC (1300881222) to make an appoinment on the router changing, or else you may also buy your own router and configure it by yourself without calling the TM UniFi Center :)

    2. i just entered
      username : admin
      and for the password , i leave it blank

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. No need to call Unifi .. always take long time to answer .. and it sucks too always level 2 personnel can't even answer you just say need an appointment .. Nova Level also sucks too .... just do this for Dlink 615 router copy this link and works 100% ... try this 100% works

    6. Still cannot login using provided password , haih why la like that

    7. why all user and password that have been given is incorrect? not one. .but all

    8. @Ajim Starz

      That means, you have already change the operator and user password.

    9. how can i get back my username and password ?

    10. how can we get back password?

    11. which password are you asking for?

      1. Router password?
      2. Wifi password?
      3. Account password?

  2. Thanks, this helped! :)

  3. can't access my ip start from

    1. 172 ?? Are you using static IP? Or, just simply change the ip address in the router?

  4. it says webpage unavailable..

    1. IF you connect to the router using Wireless
      1. Check, either the wireless you connected to the router wireless.
      2. Go to webpage (It is the default IP for D-Link router. If you have change the IP, then key-in the changed IP)

      IF you connect to the router using LAN cable
      1. Check the LAN cable, make sure it connect from your computer to LAN1 / LAN2 / LAN3.
      2. Go to webpage (It is the default IP for D-Link router. If you have change the IP, then key-in the changed IP)

      How to check your current connected router IP??
      1. Go to command prompt
      2. Type in the command prompt, ipconfig
      3. Look at the Default Gateway IP

      That is your current connected router IP.

  5. why i cant use internet in my phone?only in laptop can use it.

    1. Dear Anonymous, please make sure your wireless security mode is in "Enable WPA/WPA2 Wireless Security (Enhanced)" and also the Chipter type is "AUTO (TKIP/AES)"

      To view/edit the configuration:
      1. Login to router
      2. Go to SETUP -> "Wireless Setup" -> "Manual Wireless Connection Setup" -> "Wireless Security Mode"


  6. Hi, I cant use internet in my phone, and have been told need to make some setting on my router, but i do not know how to change the setting. I forgot the username and password, how to get back? I have try to call the 1300 to get help, but always keep holding more 30 min, pls advice. Thanks

    1. If you dont mind, I could help you via phone.

      Anyway, which username and password do you forget? Router username/password, or UniFi username/password??

      Please mail me directly for this issue if you feel comfortable.

    2. i forgot the unify login username and password can help me?


      Call TMUC and ask for it.

  7. Replies
    1. @Abdullah Quhtani.

      Just go to Google Play and search for the apps.

  8. it says

    500 Internal Error

    Cannot connect to ncc server.
    mini_httpd/1.19 19dec2003

    1. Dear zulfadhli razman.

      Please try other web browser. If you are using Google Chrome, or Firefox, make sure you have clean the cache and cookies.

      For your safety, use Internet Explorer after you have clean the cache and cookies.

    2. same thing happened to me. it started a few days ago. i tried everything, restarted my pc for days, cleaning cache and so on, using multiple browser, and even on a brand new laptop. fresh installed windows of course. but i can access my router, not the modem...

    3. Dear imam123..

      Surely, you can access to the router. This post is about on how to log in to unifi dlink router, not about on how to access the TM modem. :)

  9. Hi, i have TM Unifi 5mbps connection at my condominium.
    it was working fine for all my devices, android mobile, iPhone, i pad.
    last night, i can not have any internet activity in my android mobile, but iPhone/i pad working fine. I delete wifi ssid from my android handset, add again with pass, get connected, but no internet activity. why?

    1. Dear Ronie Minhaj-ul-Amin..

      According to your explaination, we can analyze that..
      1. You can connect to your router wifi, using iPhone/iPAD but suddenly cannot use internet.

      1. Try to access to router. Please refer to
      - Make sure that the DHCP is checked.

      2. Try use your laptop, connect to the wifi and try connect to the internet. If you can connect to the internet, means that, you have to check your IPhone/IPad settings.
      - If still cannot... Please use LAN cable and connect to the wifi router. If you can connect to the internet, means that, your wifi router faulty already.
      - If still cannot... Try another router.

  10. Thanks a lot! It worked! :)
    I've used the 5th set of password and username.

    1. Glad to hear that. Please be noticed that the TMUC (Telekom Malaysia UniFi Centre) will reset your HSI password if required (and if agreed by customer).

      UniFi TM Technical Staff didnt suggest that steps because the TMUC will send a text message to the reporter phone number and when the UniFi TM Technical Staff go to customer premise, and suddenly the reporter is not home, the UniFI TM Technical Staff couldnt fix the problem because they didnt have the NEW password that has been reseted by TMUC. Please beware guys :)

    2. how to change default user name of unifi router?

    3. @GPD SHARAD Paudel.

      Refer to the page from this web on how to change default username of unifi router.


  11. i forgot my unifi login password and accout,
    so i cant change password for wireless,
    my model is tp link wireless n gigabit router wr1043nd,
    please help me....
    i try already admin/admin,admin/password,admin/telekom....
    also is wrong...

    1. admin/admin, admin/password, admin/telekom

      Those above are not your unifi login account. That is your router login account.

      You must have a record of your TP Link router login account or else, you must send it to the shop you bought it or.. you have to reset your TP Link and reconfigure it.

      To configure a router, you must have the account details (username and password for unifi/streamyx account)

      Make sure to call TMUC before reset it because you may need the account details as well. Ask TMUC for your unifi account username and password.

  12. Hi, I have problem with my connection. After calling up tm service, they said that it is due to the problem in router, is it possible if i were to buy a non- tm issued router and do up the connection on my own??
    P/s : minimal clue on the IT jargons..
    thank you in advance

    1. Dear anonymous.

      Just wanna know your TM router model. If you are using Dlink (White Orange), then you are more than 2 years. If you are using Innatech (Silver Colour), means that you are only 1 - 2 years subscriber.

      If you wanna change the non-TM router, TM has no problem with it. The new router (Innatech), is very poor for wireless quality. If you wanna stronger wireless signal, buy a new non-TM router.

      For non-TM router, there are several models. But as preferred by customer/TM technician, they choose ASUS with 3 years warranty of ASUS.

      Just go at the computer shop and say that you want ASUS router that supports UniFi.

      For this issue, you have to call TMUC, to get your UniFi login and password. Bring along the details, and ask the computer shop guy to configure the router for you. They need that login and password details.

      Hopefully you could get a better connection after change your router.

  13. Yes, At last. i've changed my password 6 months ago, but i forgot it, This article really help a lot. Save my time from calling the operator. THanks

  14. After checking my default gateway and keyed in the address, it directs me to the webpage which i needed to key in my username and password. But after a second or two, the page disappears and says "404 Not Found, File not found." What should I do?

    1. You should reset your router. There is a button behind the router.

    2. Hi, if I am gonna do reset the router, will all internet and wireless setting Gone? Or after reset I have to do some setting again? I am scare of this technical issue! I am using Unifi 5.

    3. Yes, all gone! You have to reconfigure the router with HSI account, and set the wireless account.

      Call TMUC (1300881221) and ask for your HSI username and password. Then, you can refer the troubleshoot page in here to config the router.

  15. After changed password, unifi can connet,but no function...

    1. You are changing the internet password or wifi password?

  16. Replies
    1. No problem kelly changsw

    2. Lost internet connection after change wifi password in dlink router..what to do..?

    3. Dear Zirazman Photo..

      Are you sure you are changing the wireless password, and not the account password?

  17. I need help, after change wifi username cant connect at all , pls contact me as

    1. Dear shinohishiko lau.

      Make sure you already make the "FORGET NETWORK" in your android phone, and then connect again to the wifi with using the new password.


  18. I want configure router ,it is need to to register at y2k web 1st?

  19. hi..i can login but i cant changed my password..clicked on submit button but nothing happened..i can changed my password before but it doesnt work this time..

    1. Dear hy...

      You are trying to change the wireless password or the router password?
      1. If router password, then u must re-login to see the changes.
      2. If wireless password, then u must forget the old password in your wireless settings, and re-login using the new password.

  20. I reset my router and now my wifi is not showing i need to do a setup again? How do i do it?

    1. Yes Steven Foo.

      Reset means, "delete all configurations".

      So, it will be in factory. Then, you have to reconfigure the router.

      Start configure your UniFi router with this link,


  21. I already change the router pasword and forgot it..the router model is trg212m

  22. UniFi router with static ip then how can i access it wireless?

    1. Iwant to access Unifi router but don't know how to log in into routers is nor working bcz it is static ip plz help

    2. For static IP, you have to set the Network Connection ipv4 settings.

  23. the link is dead ? 192.168.01
    have a new link ? help me pliss

    1. The link is, not 192.168.01.

  24. Why is my internet speed 0.5mbps whilst in the contract it says 10 Mbps? And also I can't enter the website. Is it the wifi username/pass or the routers username/pass and if so where do I find it?

    1. To check your UniFi speed, you MUST use cable, not wireless. Disconnect all devices, except yours then make a speedtest.

      TM Speedtest:

  25. can you explain me with step wise.......

    My router is Unifi..

    Its ip is

  26. I've tried above mentioned ID/Pass but i still couldn't login to my router. What should I do? Can I just reset it back to factory setting?

  27. hi UniFiDr, i already changed the wifi password (wpa/wpa2) on my dlink. however after reconnect to the wifi, there is no internet access. I saw at the top of the 'manual wireless setup' tab, there is still my old password (it says something like microsoft vista or something). do u know this problem?

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    Visit: Routerlogin.Net

  29. Hey there just wondering what is the login username and password for DSL-2640B web management for streamyx?


  30. login name & password only 1st can be use, other can't...

  31. how can i enable certain websites like when im connected to other network it access just fine. when i try to connect it with my home network, sometimes it works n sometimes it just wont load its says ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED

    1. i m using Dlink. i m facing the same problem when using computers, but not handphones (iOs or Android).
      i used many computers (win7,win8,win10) to test. they didn't work.
      but they can access to the problem websites via other/neighbours' Unifi (with permission) without problems.
      Suspected some setting/config issues.
      pls advise.

  32. Can i ask how to reroute the internet to connect a server?

  33. icant login to the router why??

  34. icant login to the router why??

  35. Hi,i just bought Playstation 4,and connect with unifi 5..the probs is,when i play it,my connection to others device drop,wireless detect,but can't use..kindly need advise whether the probs is router or need to upgrade to 30mbs

  36. I want to change my tm unifi password but i can't open the link.What happened....idon't know?Help me please

  37. How to change password wifi

  38. Hi.. if i buy new router ( Non-TM router) can i ask TM to configure that new router?

    1. Dear F@rR@cE..

      Actually, TM always wants customer to use the default/stock router, so that if anything happen, TM could troubleshoot easily, but customer always have their own rights.

      You may ask for the technician help. It is depends on the technician either wants to help or not.

  39. Hi, do you have the URL to remotely access the Unifi router? i am currently overseas and there are some issues with the router at my home.

    1. Dear kamal.

      You can try the free ddns server. You have to configure it in your UniFi router for the ddns server.


  40. Hi UnifiDr,
    I have made calls to the unifi service care for god knows how many times and made 3 reports. I wanna install CCTV and my contractor needed to access the D-Link 615 router to connect a port forwarding. I have tried gotten them to the stage where they needed to send a technician over and the technician came but refused to look at my router. The username that you shared above i have tried all of them and none of them worked. The technician that came to house but refuse to look at my router gave me the (operator = h566Unifi) combination which i clearly know it's not the case. Hope you can help me out here.

    1. For the operator access, mind the capital F. (operator = h566UniFi)

      The UniFi technician will refuse to look at other than TM's router. It depends on the technician actually because some technician, they know how to configure other than TM's router, such as TP-Link, Asus, NetGear, LinkSys, etc.

      You might using other than TM's router. Please send it back to the shop that you bought, and seek for their (the computer shop guy) help.


  41. I reset the modem already..after i reset the modem it don't have wifi anymore..what should i do???

    1. Dear Chris_secret.

      You reset the modem or router? I think it is router. TM router and TM modem is 2 different thing and it deliver 2 different type of services.

      If you have reset the router, then all of the configuration will be gone. You must connect to the router using LAN Cable and configure it.

      Before you configure, make sure you have your UniFi username and password for the internet service.

      Thank you.

  42. Hi I am using huawei router. Can I log in using thru as well? Can you guide how to set parental control?

    1. Hi AL.

      Huawei router? TM dont have any huawei router. TM only have huawei modem.

      For parental control, you must login to the router interface and click at the "Settings" tab.

      Thank you.

  43. Thanks. Where I can find the step by step parental control guide?must I get the MAC address for all my devices such add iPad and iphone?

  44. Hi, I have new unifi fiber optic modem, i want to change default wifi router with my own. last time i was using to login on main modem via but now cannot. maybe ip address changed, can u let me know how can i login into main modem. modem model is alcatel lucent i-240g-t.

    1. TM provide you with 4 different equipments. Modem, Router, Set-top-box, Cordless Phone.

      None of the TM UniFi customer allowed to login to the TM Modem. Alcatel-Lucent a.k.a ALU is one of TM modem.

      TM customer only allowed to login to TM ROUTER.


    2. but TM Unifi wireless router is not very good...TM inform me that it is only complimentary only. so of course it sucks

  45. How to change wifi password by phone ??

  46. How to change wifi password by phone ??

  47. Hi, i have TM Unifi connection but I have problem with my Login connection.After reading your article it is very useful for me.Really wonderful articles is post by you in this blog.Thanku for such a nice blog.

  48. Hi sir,
    I have D-Link DSL-2750U Router (ADSL+).
    Is it possible to use it for TM Unifi. Because while i setup there is no Option for Unifi(Select ISP) and Unifi ID Logon.

    My Router Firmware rev:TH_1.03.

    In the Unifi Setup had 2 Setup box(RG4332 and hauwai) which one have to replace with D-link Router(DSL-2750U)

    Can you help me to advice on Setup too.

  49. Hye unifi...
    Please help me...
    I just bought new router model DIR-816L.. can i help me configure this

  50. why when i change router unifi ip cant access internet
    from to

  51. hi i have entered all mentioned above, but still i only got invalid password..

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. I have subscribed to UniFi's VIP50 Business package, it comes with 5 fix IP's. Recently i though of hosting mail server in the office instead is of hosting at the data center, i can reduce the cost by doing so.

    Can someone please guide me on how to make use one of the 5 fixed ip's i have handy at my disposal.

    Any help/guide is very much appreciated.

  54. Why is my unifi wifi slow on my android phone, i.e the web pages is slow to load? No problem when on my PC.


  55. May I know what other brand/model of router can be used for unifi. Thank you.

  56. How can I know my wireless network name (SSID)..plz help..I'm configuring my internet settings

  57. I am trying to access the parental controls but when I log in to the router there is no Settings tab. How can I access the parental controls?

  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. yesterday i forgot i change what in, until now i cant setting in, screen show me (This side can't be reached) and EER_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE, can u help me pls...

  60. Hi, I was using Unifi connection all day long. But after i come back from outside, my phone couldn't detect my unifi at all. When my wifi name appear, once i click on connect, it disappear again. Call TMUC but they say nothing wrong with my connection, ask me try to delete other saved networks and restart my phone. But the problem still haven't solve. Can you help me please?

  61. Hi, I was using Unifi connection all day long. But after i come back from outside, my phone couldn't detect my unifi at all. When my wifi name appear, once i click on connect, it disappear again. Call TMUC but they say nothing wrong with my connection, ask me try to delete other saved networks and restart my phone. But the problem still haven't solve. Can you help me please?

  62. Hai. I reset my router. Tried to connect with LAN cable with my laptop. A connection is there, but it is saying no internet access. What should i do? I am using the silver router from tm

  63. Hi unifi Dr, i want to access 3 other ports in ALU, is there by any chance?
    I even try to connect to a switch with ports and from switch to router. Router worked fine with every ports but my switch still only accessible with LAN1 and 2 port

  64. May i know if i can receive my unifi password so that i can setup my own router?

  65. This comment has been removed by the author.

  66. How shall I get back or reset my UNIFI password for my router setup ?

    1. You need to call the TMUC and ask for your UniFi HSI password.

      UniFi HSI password is case-sensitive.

  67. my unifi connection says Limited Access and no internet connection. how can i access this router to change channel?

    1. @mabouks Daus

      You have to reconfigure your wireless using LAN cable.

  68. Thanks for share this blog because now a days we are using router support and this is very helpful for data sharing device. so, we can easily data share one to more device.

    1. @Doutgen kroes

      Thanks. Happy to hear more from you.

  69. My wlan not light but the internet one light help it all happen when i reset the router

    1. @SuperBean TheGamer

      You have to call 100 to get your HSI account username and password to re-configure the router.

      WLAN Light: On (Means wireless configured)
      Internet Light: On (Grey - Got Internet)
      Internet Light: On (Red - No Internet)

  70. Hi i have changed ny router password but unfortunately i have forgotten it. Can u pls advice how to proceed?

    1. @Chow

      You may use the operator or management password as stated in

      operator : telekom
      operator : h566UniFi
      Management : TestingR2

    2. can gv me the admin password for Model Name: DIR-850L?

    3. @TAN MELODY

      The admin password for DIR-850L TM UniFi Router is on the bottom of the router. Find a white sticker with SN or MAC or WiFi Password stated on the sticker. There you can find your admin password for TM UniFi Cylinder Black Router (DIR-850L).

  71. Hey!
    Thank you so much for give a information that is very informative. D-Link router is very essential for every users.

  72. how can i change the unifi password?

    1. @Jaycee Peng

      Sorry, cannot change the unifi password.

  73. how can i change my password logging in into the router without logging in into the router.
    recently my brother blocked all my wifi and change the password logging in into the router and he dont want to unblock.
    can u giv me a solution?

  74. Hi, I wish to manage the WiFi bandwidth sharing, example: 50% for personal usage and 50% for public usage, how can I do this in this DLink router?

  75. can i remove all device that have been connected to my unifi internet?

  76. My problem is we don't have Internet for 10 days, my router is the black cylinder from TM DIR850 L it has green power light but the other orange light is blinking. Do you know what's the problem?

    1. Ohh.. That one is from TM also. The cylinder black colour router, TM DIR850. The power is green, the globe (under the power) is orange.

      That means, your internet is down.

      1. No fiber reading (Reading is LOW)
      2. Wrong configuration for internet account in router settings.
      3. Session hang (Your username hang, just restart the router if you wanna try)
      4. Wrong LAN cable connection from router (WAN port) to modem (LAN Port). The correct connection is LAN1 (modem) -> WAN (router).

  77. hey when i tried to go to the link it just said it refused to connect. what gives?

  78. oh and i forgot my Unifi password.. is there a way to get it back?

    1. Nice one :)

      Yep.. That is the only solution to retrive back your UniFi username and password

  79. Replies
    1. Is it the same dlink as in the picture? If it is, then, the solution is only with try to reset the TM UniFi DLink router first then reconfigure the router.

      P/s: Dont forget to call 100 (TM UniFi Helpline) to retrieve your username and password for your UniFi account.

  80. how to reconfigure voip setting in my Gpon? my home line tel is not working after i accidently reset the Gpon ,any guide?

    1. The GPON is from the modem. It cannot be reset. If only it could be, the voip still couldnt be set manually, because it is automated from the TM system, once the ONU (Optical Network Unit) sync with the Granite (Parent of NOVA) ONU password in the system.

  81. Hi,
    I have set the Router DNS to google DNS.
    after reboot, i cannot log in to router page
    500Internal Server error
    Using Dlink router provided by TM unifi

  82. I am really thankful for this helpful blog about D-link Router, I need this kind of useful blog and I’m really lucky to find out this. For any kind of support call 0800-090-3220 or visit D-link Router Support Number UK

    1. Dear @Robert Paul.

      This is for Malaysian, TM UniFi Dlink Router. Thanks for your reply anyway.

  83. Nice blog for D-link. D-link Router is one of the best routers for the internet services. There have many features to the user’s for experience best service of D-link Router.

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